H U L P please all blogger that read this! I need a suggestion / advice...
Soon is my beloved birthday and I have already got a nice present for him.. but I wanted to hand craft the card (of course). Now my original idea was to have some pictures of us on a card around a birthday message.. but some thoughts came up and I am not more sure about it..
1. I know the guy since a couple of months only, unsure if giving "our" pictures could be a bit too soon
2. I am not sure about the pix of us we have.. as they were made at a party with many people
So I am thinking alternative solutions, as we both love koalas and we love to hug as koalas, I thought about making him a koala card.
Searching through different koala sites, I came accross a very nice one I suggest all crafters to have a look at: koalabrains.blogspot.com >> such a cute one!!
I could
1. make a photo of me with my kawaii koala eye mask in picture here
as LOLCat saying smthing cute
2. just get a pix of hugging koalas....
What do you think?
Pls save me ... thanks!!!! ♥