Monday, April 12, 2010

The Economizer

Well .. they better be! I started using lemon juice as face tonic. After all it's full of Vitamin C and I have heard around that it makes a cheap but good skin supplement. You should wash your face good, remove all the make up, then apply some freshly squeezed lemon juice. I put my cream or oil after, but for extreme cures it's best to live uncovered over night. It does itches a LOT when you put it, so don't get scared. I did, but apparently it's normal that it stings, your skin needs to get used to it.
I still need to find out what I can use in place of Vitamine E oil, it's too expencive to buy, and I am sure I can find that vitamine or anything else to prevent wrinkles somewhere out there in nature.. so if any of you know, please tell me!!!

As you may have understood, I am trying to economize as much as possible so this is the first step: home-made creams and stuff. I am thinking of sewing a summer bag, I'll think of a crazy pattern and we'll see. It's a work in progress (in my mind at the moment). Also, I am not sure if you noticed but this year denim shorts are again in fashion! What a better way to transform your old jeans you were probably going to throw away? I remember doing this when I was more or less 14, fashion is funny, the 90s are back!... but we love it, don't we?! (Yes, in our own way)

Well, lemony face is going to sleep.... finger crossed, I hope not to find any surprise tomorrow! :) Ciao ciao

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