Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I want to comment on my own post, the one where I scream at the world because everyone is selfish and because society has built us as we are... I think I didn't make the point, instead I pointed the finger at everyone, missing the fact that I just wanted to point it at someone in particoular. If you're reading this (which I doubt), you know who you are.
So I want to analyze the last sentence I wrote: "
I am what I feel... and because of this I am alone". This sentence contradicts a bit my life philosophy, and I'll tell you why. "I am what I feel", we know that "feelings" are relative to each individual. So saying that "because of the fact that I am different from all the other people, who are as well different from each others, therefore I am alone" is statying a fact. We are all different from each others, are we're all individually alone, in a certain way. Which is a positive thing, because it gives each of us the possibility to be. But, what I meant was, I am a very emotional person, and probably because of this I can feel lonely, sometimes. It was stupid of me to write that post out of anger and spite, but I am not going to delete it, because that was a moment of anger, and I am also made of those. I am made of those, because I still have to understand many things. But also because I tend to understand myself and give an explanation to things that sometimes just don't have an explanation. >_<

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