Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My Jim

My Jim (aka the perfect guy) left. This was one moth and two weeks ago. Exactly one month and one day ago, I saw him for the last time, when I said that it was just a temporary thing.....
Today I still have his stuff laying around the house... actually now they're packed and waiting to be picked up. But when? I don't know and he doesn't say. The saddest thing, because when a story finishes it's nice to understand why, so you can gain some new perspective for the next one. And anyways, it's just sad to not see someone like this anymore. I asked myself why and how is it possible for people to change their minds overnight, without telling you any reasons. Then I stoppped asking questions I will never have an answer for.
Maybe I mistake and he wasn't my Jim. Jim would not leave like this. But Jim is also very fictional. I love him cus he is the perfect guy for the weirdest situation and he never questions it. He is just happy to be in it.

Thumb up for Jim Clancy.

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