Monday, July 12, 2010

Cheap, eco, tasty remedies for quinsy

One evening was warm, the night was colder, I felt sick had high fever and a terrible throat ache, the next day I had quinsy. Bad for me because in Holland the doctors won't prescribe you anything more than ibuprofen. Not very helpful when you have quinsy. I have been a fan of herbal cures since ever, my mum used to cure me with homeopathy when I was little, so I know a few tricks on my own. Immediately start spraying and taking propolis (both in spray and tablets) that helps a lot with throat infections and is considered a natural antibiotic. Then I reccomend you doing throat wash with water and calendula tincture (20 drops in half glass water), also put some drops on a cotton swab and try touch your throat directly with calendula.. if you even manage to remove some pus with it then you're a winner (pardon for this gross description but it's really helpful!). I have now done propolis and calendula since it started and it is already better, 5 / 6 days max the big pain should be gone. Of course, I reccomend you seeing your doctor for any throat infection, but the above are always reccomended and don't hurt.
Now the other problem (for me at least) when having quinsy: how to eat properly without hurting your throat... I have made myself ice cubes in all flavors and ate ice-creams, but I am not a sweet tooth and I prefer savory food when I am hungry. Oh.. by the way, I have the "luck" to be allergic to red/orange fruit, so no fresh fruit possible for me :( that could save you some time reading on. So cold, tasty and liquid... what?!
  • Gazpacho! That's a nice one, I made it today.. to my taste, awesome!
  • Potato puree with melted cheese - you don't have to eat it super cold, but room temperature is still tasty.
  • Pasta fredda - small pasta with meat sauce (or four cheeses sauce) and melted mozzarella, a bit cream. grill it in the oven. when cold it still tastes nice (if you like cold lasagna, you'll love this!)
  • Tuna cream - blend tuna, mayo and some olives like to make a bread spread, refrigerate.
  • Cesar salade or any salade containing meat, fish, or if your vegetarian some beans, lentils and granes. Also cold grilled veggies, like courgettes and peppers add a nice touch.
  • Baby food or any veggie / fruit puree's.
  • Mini-meatballs - prepare the minced meat with one egg, parmisan, parsley, bread crums, salt and the spices you like, make very small meatball and fry them in hot olive oil (not too much, 1mm), let them cool.. they'll be super tasty and you can use the oil for some rice or so (also nice at room temperature).
I should have mentioned that some of those cold recipes may not be to your taste, but the meaning of this post is: try out your fav food cold, it may not be sooo bad as you think. If you have quinsy you need to eat small, liquidish and cold. The main point is not to stress your throat. Eat in small doses and often. Use ice blocks instead of water in between meals. It will really easen up the pain. This of course when a doctor will only prescribe you paracetamol for the fever.....
Peace up ladies, I wish you a lovely night ♥

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