Monday, August 09, 2010

☆ FakKit ☆ the Economizer way to be happy in life

Ok - sorry - but some days I just want to scream it to the world: FAKKIT!!!!

We're too kind with the people that hurt us when we don't ever say it or think it.
We believe, or we've been taught, it's bad and that you should always give your offender the other cheek o_0 ... and that's when I say: Fakkit! Not always!!

To say Fakkit doesn't mean you're swearing at the person, it means you give power to yourself to move on in life without ever thinking about those hurting feelings or the person who causes you those feelings. It means that when you're angry hoping to get something from the anger, instead you realise it's a waste of energies. To do so, just remind yourself the word: Fakkit!

You may think: why is she writing this?! I don't feel like saying it... Ok, I give you the reason why today for me this word is useful.
I wake up to know my water boiler is broken, I can't shower nor clean the house, my landlord is going on holidays this week so we better fix it soon. Then I see my on FB that my ex bf is happy and never ever thought back about what he had said to me before leaving (lies) and lives his life like nothing happened, it's OK but it hurts. The government asked me back some taxes money because they realized they made a mistake when giving back to me a year ago, so they'll take them back with interests.
Well - you know what I say to all this?! Fakkit! I am still alive, I am healthy and smiley, life still goes on, people who don't deserve me are not near to me, those problems are only very small bureaucratic issues....

Don't Worry Be Happy, Bob Marley used to sing, which I translate into the Fakkit motto. It's hard to remind, so I say it loud. Make some fun over it and understand that we give priorities to things or facts, we give them importance. We can also move that importance to other things and not overlook always what seems to us more important. Try to switch point of view - sometimes it helps. Watching the same things from different angles will show you different perspectives, so try take the Fakkit way as an alternative point of view- it shouldn't be applied to all things you do - but can be used to your benefit when you need to switch perspective.

I have written this out of my mind and thoughts - but I am sure if I search the net I can find something to back this up - I'll be updating this post. Non sense is about the non sense in life, today I believe that worrying can be a non sense. We could worry so much less... we could try at least. So I'll back this up with proper references and facts, but if I don't then you know now what you should say ...... ;-)

Have a peacefull day ☆


monyart said...

wise words!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the message!:) Clearly written and it surely can help in some situations. You release the tension by saying it. Fakkit, its's good!:)